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Healthy Breakfast Ideas to Get Your Child’s Brain Started

A good school day starts before your child even arrives at school. Morning routines, including a healthy breakfast, help everyone get out the door in the morning with a smile on their faces. Routines do not need to be long or complicated! It can be as simple as “eat breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed, pack backpack”. Doing the same things in the same order each morning develops habits, which lead to fewer arguments and happier mornings!

two children are eating a healthy breakfast before school

A Healthy Breakfast will help your child’s Neurons and Synapses do the things they are supposed to do when they are at school.


It’s tempting to grab a few more minutes of sleep – or put off that “time to get up” argument for a little longer – by skipping breakfast. However, research and experience tell us that breakfast is worth getting up for! After a long night of not eating, your body needs to replenish the nutrients it needs for peak performance. Our brains need fuel to perform at their best, and they are low in fuel in the mornings. Fill that tank up! Kids who eat breakfast have been shown to have better grades, focus, attitude, and connections with teachers and peers.


The best fuel for our body is the long-lasting kind – protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Simple carbohydrates like donuts give short-term energy but lead to a crash later. A quick trick is to try and get food from three different food groups into your breakfast.


Although we know how important it is for our kids, breakfast is the hardest meal to plan for because you’re often tired and in a hurry. This is why I have made you a list of breakfast ideas that will spark your child’s brain without overwhelming yours!


Remember that consistency is more important than perfection. This parenting thing is hard – there will be mornings when your child gets a donut or nothing at all. Some days they will tell you they ate breakfast, only to confess later that it was chocolate chips. Luckily, we get to try again every day. Each time they eat a healthy breakfast is a win, even if it doesn’t happen every day. So don’t give up! We’re all just doing the best we can.


I’ve broken up the list to make it easier to find ideas that fit your lifestyle. Search engines are your friend when finding recipes that are just right for your family’s taste!


Healthy Breakfast Ideas for the Make Ahead Parent

If you’re a planner who loves to prep ahead of time, this list is for you!

A picture of several muffins stacked on top of each other


  • Muffins

  • There are so many variations of muffin recipes out there that include things like whole grains, fruit, and applesauce! Find a recipe that works for your family and have them in a container ready to grab in the morning.

  • Egg cups

  • Muffin tins don’t have to be used only for muffins! To make egg cups, crack an egg into a muffin tin, add your favorite toppings, cook, and freeze. In the morning all you have to do is pull one out and heat it up.

  • Breakfast burritos

  • Scramble some eggs, add your toppings, roll it up in a tortilla, and freeze it. Who knew that burritos were such a great take-and-go treat?

  • Breakfast casserole

  • Most breakfast casseroles can be mixed up the night before and put in the refrigerator, then cooked in the morning. Just be sure you’re up early enough to get it into the oven!

  • Banana bread

  • There are so many amazing banana bread recipes out there!

  • Pancake and sausage roll-ups

  • Cook pancakes (add some syrup to the batter if you want), then wrap around a cooked sausage link. Freeze to have a ready to go breakfast.


Healthy Breakfast Ideas for the Hot Breakfast Parent

Are you a morning person who


loves to get up and cook for your family in the morning? Read on.

Two Bowls of Hot Oatmeal with fruit made into owls on the top of the cereal
  • Oatmeal

  • Oatmeal is a great breakfast base because you can add so much to it – nuts, granola, fruit, etc.

  • Pancakes

  • Hear me out here. I know that regular pancakes fit into that “simple carbohydrate” category, but if you search the internet, you can find lots of great recipes for ways to make them healthier by adding whole grains and fruit.

  • Eggs

  • There are so many ways to make them! Scrambled, fried, hard boiled, or try a chicken in a basket!

  • Breakfast pigs in a blanket

  • Spread out some crescent rolls, fill them with scrambled eggs and a sausage link, roll them up, and cook them for a fun twist on a favorite.


Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Grab and Go Families

  • Cereal/oat bars

  • Check the nutrition content – some are great choices, and others are not. Look for lower sugar (aim for under 20g), at least 3 g of fiber, and about 6-10g of protein.

  • Yogurt with dried fruit or nuts

  • Look for plain or Greek yogurt, which has less sugar. Many yogurts aimed at kids are full of sugar. Yogurt, much like oatmeal, is a great base to add dried, fresh, or frozen fruit, nuts, granola, etc.

  • Whole wheat toast with nut butter

  • Nut butters (peanut butter, sun butter, almond butter, etc) are a great way to get some protein into breakfast. You can add it to toast, waffles/pancakes, or apples.

  • Cereal

  • Look for whole grain cereal with at least 3g of fiber and aim for the lower sugar options. Milk adds protein and dairy to the meal, and fresh fruit is delicious on it too!

  • If you’re running out the door, try adding some dried fruit to the dry cereal and a cheese stick on the side.

  • Smoothies / Instant breakfast

A mom is holding out a smoothie for her child to grab

A Smoothie is a great choice for a fun Morning Meal

  • There are so many options out there for how to make these! You can make them ahead of time and freeze them, have the ingredients in a jar ready to go in the morning or buy pre-made ones. Again check for sugar and make sure you are getting some protein in there, for instance by making it with milk.


However, breakfast looks for your family, taking the time to eat will start everyone’s day off right. Many schools also offer breakfast at school, so look into that at your school! Your choices will be more limited, but you can still encourage your child to go for the high-protein choice rather than the high-sugar choice. Happy breakfasting!